4-H FilmMaking

4-H FilmMaking

I thought I would share a project I have been working on, hoping it would give you an idea of how you can work on a new 4-H project while at home.

This is my first video attempt. I have so much to learn about making videos but it was fun.

If you have a passion for movies and think you might like to make a video here is what I've learned so far.

1. There are several free programs out there for video editing. They seem to all look about the same to me so I just picked one that had good reviews. Be sure to ask permission before you download programs or sign up for an account. 

2. Take lots of videos and don't delete any of it till the project is done! Ya, I deleted important parts of my second video attempt and now I have to start over.

3. Write down your thoughts. At least for me, I can remember what I want to say if I write it down. I say fewer silly things and fewer ummmmms. 

4. Start with something easy. I actually recorded myself reading a book before this video. It was a good way for me to get comfortable with the sound of my voice recorded.

4-H offers some resources and even has a FilmFest for kids that like to make movies.
He are some links that can get you started. 

This is a fun project because you can make a film about almost anything including your 4-H projects. I am passionate about horses and it's what I know the most about so that's what I made a movie about. If you love cows, try making a video about the day in the life of your cows. If sewing in your gift, make a how-to video on sewing. If you like to write stories, try writing a script! Now is a great time to start capturing some footage and piecing it together, you might just find that you have a gift for Fim-making!


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