H is for Health - Part 1

4-H Healthy Living

H is for Health - Part 1

Of course, HEALTH is a 4-H project, it IS one of the H's. But these days health seems at the forefront of everyone's mind. It seems like every text, email, zoom or phone call is ended with telling each other "stay healthy".  So let's take this time to complete a 4-H project that focuses on healthy living!

Healthy living covers a wide range of topics so I'll break it down into a few blogs. Let's start with the hot topics first. 

1. Knowledge is power! I use to teach science and apart of what I taught was germs and how they spread. It is interesting to learn the difference between viruses and bacteria and how they work. I think this would be a great 4-H project. One difference between viruses and bacteria is that viruses are non-living. and bacteria are living. Try to find our as many differences and similarities as you can and make a venn diagram. This would be great for a poster to show at the fair or as apart of a demonstration. 

2. How do germs spread? This is important for everyone to know but I think livestock kids should all be aware of disease's modes of transmission and how can we protect ourselves and livestock. I recently read that germs from a cough can spread 15 feet or more and the germs can hang out in the air for up to 10 minutes.
Check out this TED-Ed video to get you started, then decide how it fits into your 4-H project. 
 Sneeze and cough germs travel farther than you may think ...

3. It's so important to wash your hands and it's something we have heard about a lot the past month so how can this be a 4-H project. Do a demonstration or poster on hand washing or on biosecurity for your livestock because of its kind of the same thing.  Try using these experiments. 
If livestock is your thing consider making posters to hang in the barns during the fair like this. 
Agriculture & Livestock - Equine, Cattle | South Carolina State FairAnimal Exhibit Hand Washing Sign - 4-H Animal & Veterinary Science ...

This is a great time to work on Biosecurity projects because that's what is in the news. Have fun with it and do an experiment or two. 


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